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Our Fees


Rate: PH: Please don't hesitate to ask


Daily Rate: Please don't hesitate to ask


- Usually 10 hours (8am - 6pm).


Half Day Rate: Please don't hesitate to ask


- AM (8am - 1pm) and PM (1pm - 6pm) 


Weekly Rate: Please don't hesitate to ask (Monday - Friday)


- Early drop-off and late pickup can be arranged on the day


I invoice monthly in advance. Invoices are issued during the third week of the month, to be paid by direct debit or cheque 1 month prior to when childcare is required.

I work 52 weeks of the year. I take 4 weeks paid Holiday per annum.

Bank Holidays are also included (paid).


If you are taking your child on holiday, full normal fee is payable to reserve your child's place


I endeavor to give parents my holiday dates as far in advance as possible so that holidays can be co-ordinated. 


It is important to note that it is the space that is being paid for, not whether or not your child is using it.




All meals (Breakfast, Healthy Snacks, Lunch, and Tea) will be freshly prepared for children. This is included in the daily rate.



Enquire now

© 2017 Zohra's Childminding

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